Biodiversity Net Gain
Biodiversity Net Gain is “an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a better state than before.”. When applying biodiversity net gain principles, developers are encouraged to bring forward schemes that provide an overall increase in natural habitat and ecological features. The aim of Biodiversity Net Gain is to minimise losses of biodiversity and help to restore ecological networks.
Biodiversity Net Gain is already part of the National Planning Policy Framework but the NPPF does not specify a number/percentage for the gain. The latest update to the forthcoming Environment Bill includes a requirement for all future schemes including the development of land to deliver a mandatory 10 % biodiversity net gain. This net gain will be required to be maintained for a period of at least 30 years.
Bat boxes
Made from insulating concrete which contains no toxic substances. Easily integrated into the fabric of a building or during renovation.
Standard boxes available (Bespoke service available)
Available in Brick (WBUK or others) stone or suitable for render.
Three week lead-time (you send us your bricks)

Bat access tiles
Bat access tiles are specifically designed to provide the right kind of space to protect bats from the elements. This is done by offering a simple way to give bats access through small gaps whilst preventing rainwater ingress to the building.
Bespoke boxes available.
Lead-time is 4 -12 weeks.

General bat boxes
Should sites have to demolish existing buildings to make way for new development they may have to provide temporary bat roosts through construction.
If you are seeking to improve net biodiversity gain on existing buildings. We are currently supplying a number of customers with retro-fit bat boxes.

Bird boxes
Bird boxes provide durable and discrete habitats for British wildlife, increasing the biodiversity value of your project.
We have the most comprehensive range of bird boxes on the market.
We have now produced boxes for Swift, starling, sparrow, wren, robin, redstarts and various tits.
Standard boxes available (Bespoke service available)
Available in Brick (WBUK or others) stone or suitable for render.
Three week lead-time (you send us your bricks)

Solitary bee bricks
Solitary Bee Bricks are produced to UK brick size format and therefore can be easily installed in place of a standard brick. The range of hole sizes provides different species of solitary bee much needed nesting space.
Cavities in our Solitary Bee Bricks are 75mm deep which reduces the risk of predation and also ensure bees and their larvae are contained entirely within the specifically designed brick.
Bee Bricks are produced using a specific insulating concrete block which is free from toxins and can be faced in any brick or stone to fit discreetly.
Contrasting colours can be used to highlight the bricks. Ideally situated on a warm elevation typically south-facing wall.
Highly recommend planting bee-friendly plants, such as (e.g. Hellebore, Aubretia, Foxgloves, Lavender and Honeysuckle), nearby so that the Bees using the bricks have a food local source.

We work with UK and European manufacturers to bring the widest range of facing bricks to the market